ISG Quick Update #3 - Espionage

Discussion in 'Development News' started by Adam Solo, Aug 14, 2018.

  1. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Hello everyone, for today's quick update we'll talk about espionage in ISG as for a quick development status.


    Dexana is known to be a smuggler and a pirate. However, what many may not know is that she's also a skilled saboteur and psy-ops agent. If you need something blown up she's your gal. She also has a way with people and will be able to convince others into joining your cause. Showing basic skill in espionage will allow her to steal low-level technology from your rivals. The only spy skill she lacks is to go into Deep Cover and do Intel Gathering missions.

    Dexana's last spy job went well, so you may pick a spy skill for her to level up. Will she be an expert psy-ops agent and be able to persuade the most loyal rival leaders, or will she be able to destroy a Star Fortress, a planetary defense shield or even a Titan-class ship just prior to your invasion? It's your call.

    This is the nature of the espionage mechanic in ISG. Some leaders will obtain spy skills which will allow them to blow up military installations, steal technologies, influence rival leaders or to go into deep cover missions to obtain all your rival's deepest secrets.

    With espionage finished, we're pleased to report that all the core features of ISG are now completed! That's right, all main features are now all in.

    Now, we enter the final stage of development where it's all about improving, polishing and finalizing all aspects of the game. The next release will have a ton of new features. Expect it to be released this fall.

    In the meantime, if you want to have a look at the game at its current state (build as of March of this year), and haven’t pre-ordered yet, you can do so here. Feel free to open threads and discuss any topic you’d like in the forums. We’re making the most complete and comprehensive Turn Based Space 4X ever developed, and we count with your support to make it happen! So, please pre-order and play Interstellar Space: Genesis today, and soon you will Discover the Unknown.
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  2. Mythox

    Mythox Cadet

    Oct 28, 2016
    how to upgrade my pre-alpha 10 64-bit dear Adam ?
  3. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Dear Mythox, I'm afraid we'll have to wait just a little bit more for the next release, which should be out this fall (around October). For the meantime, Pre-Alpha 10 is what we have to offer.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Mythox

    Mythox Cadet

    Oct 28, 2016
    be sure dear friend i understand and i support you in all cases =) hope you will manage to get us the best and greatest 4X game in this epoch !!!
  5. aReclusiveMind

    aReclusiveMind Developer Grand Admiral

    Sep 24, 2016
    One of my most anticipated features in ISG. I love the fact that leaders are going to feel more like actual living entities rather than just another way to stat boost in this game.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. aReclusiveMind

    aReclusiveMind Developer Grand Admiral

    Sep 24, 2016
    I should also add that I love that an "old timey bomb" icon is being used for the saboteur. :D
    • Funny Funny x 3
  7. Wanderer

    Wanderer Ensign

    Jan 6, 2018
    Sehr geehrtes Entwicklerteam

    ich denke mit der Implementierung des Kernsatzes haben Sie wirklich einen großen Meilenstein in der Entwicklung für ISG erreicht und freue mich mit Ihnen.
    Zur Spionage:- das angekündigte Feature entweder diese Fähigkeiten zur Sabotage und Spionage zu haben, oder einen anderen geheimnisvollen Missionsweg zu gehen ist etwas völlig neues und aufregendes. Die oben abgebildete Persönlichkeit, wirkt auch durch ihre Psi- Talente sehr interessant.
    Für den Herren aReclusiveMind : Als ich das Spiel mir das erste mal ansah, war da ein Charakter mit einer Sprechblase zu sehen.Das hat mich damals neugierig gemacht.-Sie haben es oben besser ausgedrückt ( Charaktere fühlen sich wie Wesen an und nicht wie ein Spoiler), wenn die Entwicklung diesen Fortschritt gemacht hat,habt Ihr ein ganz großes Alleinstellungsmerkmal, welches mir besonders gefällt, geschaffen. Dafür danke ich Euch.:)
    Ich freue mich mit vielen anderen auf die 11 und probiere bis dahin noch mit der 10 herum. ich entdecke immer mal wieder etwas neues .
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
  9. Wanderer

    Wanderer Ensign

    Jan 6, 2018
    Liebe Entwickler !

    Ich habe da noch eine Frage : Wie ist das in Zukunft eigentlich mit den Charakteren und ihren Fähigkeiten geplant ? Im Augenblick bekommen die meisten Persönlichkeiten mit fortschreitender Entwicklung immer bessere Skills . Wird das so bleiben oder wird es später mal Superhelden mit ganz vielen hochklassigen Skills geben oder werden einige Charaktere viele aber nur 1. und zweitklassige Fähigkeiten haben oder einige nur wenige aber ganz hochklassige Fertigkeiten mitbringen?
  10. Konstantine

    Konstantine Grand Admiral

    Oct 19, 2016
    Now this is evolution, this is a perfect example of what I mean when I say that games today need to do better and not just keep presenting the same old thing over and over.

    Think about what is being done here; two areas of the game have just been enhanced in a natural and complementary manner. Gone are the days of stacking nameless spies onto a row, gone too are leaders whose only growth is a linear percentage of how they affect a certain area.

    Just the thought of how this will impact re-paly value has me excited. You play a session and hire a leader, that leader gains experience and new skills, late in the game; the leader has become your equivalent of a Darth Vader. You play another session and hire the same leader, only this time that leader grows in new and different ways by acquiring different skills. MoO2 leaders were nothing of the kind.

    The Icing on the cake of course is how the leaders tie into espionage, you now have the opportunity to guide your leaders to the kind of growth that will allow them to become spies and saboteurs, they are no longer limited to piloting ships or governing colonies.

    Growth and evolution, this is why I’m so into ISG, it uses MoO2 as a base concept while expanding that concept and bringing innovation in many areas of the game.

    I’ll be honest, espionage was always an afterthought with me, but I love how it’s presented here, it’s reminiscent of Star Wars Rebellion and Imperium Galactica 2, only it’s turbo-charged.

    Looking very forward to PA11 and seeing firsthand how all these new goodies have enhanced the game!
    • Agree Agree x 4
  11. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    12 new leaders were added to the game since Pre-Alpha 10 for a total of 26 at the moment. There's also new leader skills, traits and desires.

    Included in this new leader pack are a few "super hero" leaders, some only found when searching ruins and a very special one which is only revealed through an event. Expect lots of diversity in terms of leader skills and traits, including some leaders with spy skills from the get go. As always, I think our writing department, headed by @Konstantine and @Vivisector 9999, did a fantastic job coming up with the background stories for the new leaders.
    • Helpful Helpful x 3
  12. aReclusiveMind

    aReclusiveMind Developer Grand Admiral

    Sep 24, 2016
    I agree, it is a great selling point for the game. I am thankful that Adam and Malrey see the same potential that we do in having interesting leaders. The desires (speech bubbles) they've added are a great example of that. Since the design goal of the game is to be a spiritual successor to Master of Orion II, the character system can perhaps only be pushed so far without conflicting, but believe me when I say I will always be advocating to push the boundaries as much as possible.

    We aren't alone either. Creative Assembly has extensive plans for their character system in the upcoming Total War: Three Kingdoms. Granted that is a much different setting and system than this game, but the fact is they also see the benefit in having more "life-like" characters whose wants and needs may not always align with your plans as the player.
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