Really great game!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Morloc, Dec 11, 2019.

  1. Morloc

    Morloc Cadet

    Dec 11, 2019
    Finally a game that really tries to live up to the legacy of MoO2!

    There's a lot less activity on these forums than I'd expect given how good the game is. I'm not sure I have a feel for what's the norm around here, so let me ask...are you guys open to bunches of questions and suggestions? :)

    • ThumbsUp ThumbsUp x 2
  2. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Hi Morloc, thanks, and welcome to the forums!

    Sure, we are always looking forward to suggestions or simply to get more feedback or stories from our players about the game.
  3. aReclusiveMind

    aReclusiveMind Developer Grand Admiral

    Sep 24, 2016
    Great to have you here, Morloc.
  4. Morloc

    Morloc Cadet

    Dec 11, 2019
    I’ve only got about 50 hours in so far, but please allow me to offer some suggestions/recommendations…

    - A means to build a colony within a system (e.g. MOO2) would be very welcome. It feels strange that I need to construct an interstellar vessel to populate the same star system. I can’t recall the price difference MOO2 offered, but 1/3 the cost feels about right.

    - Two words… Stellar Converter (where are ya??). :)

    - Ships special systems. We could use more of these…for flavor.

    - Galactic & colonizing events. Amazing job! This is one of those things which sets ISG not only apart from MOO2, but ahead of it. More events would be welcome, including some with urgency features (crystal monster is spotted on course to one of your colonies, etc.). If an element of randomness could be woven into the events, such as offering additional choices and outcomes on occasion, this would add to surprise/replay-ability.

    - More heroes (like x2 or 3) with randomized starting stats (weighted so that some stats would be very likely, or given for certain heroes, and the others determined more randomly).

    - Leaders gaining the traits. I have seen heroes gain Trusting, Envious, Philanthropic and Greedy. The effects of these is powerful (particularly the last two) and it seems to happen often…perhaps a bit too often. The effects of those traits can have a large impact on play. I’d recommend decreasing the odds of this happening dramatically, or perhaps tying a trait change to an event where a large gain for the player might mean one of your heroes follows your lead and becomes greedy or envious, and if you pass/share some reward, your hero might follow your lead and become philanthropic or Trusting.

    • Helpful Helpful x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. aReclusiveMind

    aReclusiveMind Developer Grand Admiral

    Sep 24, 2016
    Thanks for taking the time to post these. These are some great suggestions.

    One of our goals with future free and paid content updates is to increase the variety across all aspects of the game. This includes many of the things you mentioned such as special systems, events, leaders, skills, traits, etc. In the end, it's all a balancing act as we judge when and where to spend time making additions and adjustments.

    The frequency of certain things occurring is certainly something that will be looked at and tweaked over time as well.

    Overall we have a lot of plans and the future for the game is exceptionally bright. Based on your suggestions, I think you are going to like 1.0.7. ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    I make aReclusiveMind's words my own, Morloc. Thanks for your feedback.

    I just wanted to say that I took note of your suggestions and that they will be looked at in the future for possible inclusion in the game. As for new events, leaders, skills, traits, special systems, you can count with those being injected at some point.

    Also, as aReclusiveMind said, I think you will like 1.0.7 :)
  7. Wanderer

    Wanderer Ensign

    Jan 6, 2018
    Hallo Morloc
    ich freue mich hier jemanden zu haben der sich mehr Ereignisse wünscht. Allerdings nutzen sich Ereignisse schnell ab und sind Aufwendig zu erstellen. In Isg gibt es Sie bei Untersuchungen von Ruinen im Kosmos und auf Kolonien. Ich bin allerdings durchaus der Meinung das einige Ereignisse sich wiederholen könnten wie Wetterereignisse (oder Naturkatastrophen auf Planeten) nur eben kosmisches Wetter zum Beispiel könnte es sein das die Karte in zufälligen Bahnen von kosmischen Stürmen wandernden Asteroiden , Strahlungswellen Mikkro Singularitäten alles vernichtenden Schwarmwesen (Tyranniden) bereist wird. Das könnte böse Auswirkungen für den Raumschiffverkehr (Freund und Feind ) aber auch in deren Weg liegende Kolonien haben. Möglicherweise könnten Helden im Kosmos oder auf Planeten bei Prüfung ihrer Fähigkeiten (Würfel gegen Talente) hier die eine oder andere auch ziivile Heldentat gelingen. Eine andere Variante wäre das Freunde und Feinde in einem Kraftakt (Diplomatie) versuchen die Krise durch gemeinsame Anstrengungen zu meistern.
    Andere Ereignisse könnten könnten Kolonien und Allianzen fördern Einweihungen von Denkmälern gemeinsame Feste und gemeinsame Besiedlungsprojekte, Forschungsexpiditionen oder die Suche nach vermissten Raumschiffen .
    Schließlich könnte es noch einmalige örtlich Ereignisse geben zum Beispiel Sternensysteme wo die Sonne oder Planeten (z. Bsp.: nach einer nuklearen Katastrophe, einem misslungenen Waffeexperiment oder dem Betrieb einer unausgereiften Energiequelle) schädliche oder tödliche Strahlung absondert. Forschungs - und Planetenereignisse habe schon mal besprochen und hier war Adam nicht ganz unberechtigt der Meinung das einige Spieler solche Ereignisse als Bestrafung sehen könnten. Da nur wenige Mitspieler Ereignisse fördern bin ich froh das durch die Abschaltfunktion einige Ereignissbäume ausgeblendet werden können, so das sich Spieler welche keine Ereignisse wünschen nicht genervt werden.
    Damit schließe ich für heute .
  8. Morloc

    Morloc Cadet

    Dec 11, 2019
    Aye Walker,

    Having diverse and varied events is definitely the way to go. Being able to turn them off for people who'd prefer a more spartan/regular experience is important.


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