Dev Diary, Development News

ISG Dev Diary #10: Colony View

Hello everyone, today we will talk about the colony view in ISG, which deserves a dev diary on its own.

Colony View

One of the features we liked in Master of Orion 2, and Imperium Galactica 2 as well, was the possibility to see your colonies in the planet’s actual terrain, with all the buildings there. We think this is an important feature in a 4X game because it helps increase immersion and a sense of attachment with your colonies, while also increasing the feeling that you are actually there, and see your colonies grow.

So, in the last few weeks, one of the things we’ve been working on was the colony view screen, improving graphics and adding buildings. So, in the next release, to be out this fall, you will see your buildings in the colony for the first time...

Development News, News & Announcements

ISG Quick Update #3 – Espionage

Hello everyone, for today’s quick update we’ll talk about espionage in ISG as for a quick development status.

Dexana is known to be a smuggler and a pirate. However, what many may not know is that she’s also a skilled saboteur and psy-ops agent. If you need something blown up she’s your gal. She also has a way with people and will be able to convince others into joining your cause. Showing basic skill in espionage will allow her to steal low-level technology from your rivals. The only spy skill she lacks is to go into Deep Cover and do Intel Gathering missions.

Dexana’s last spy job went well, so you may pick a spy skill for her to level up...

Development News, Quick Update

ISG Quick Update #2 – What we’re working on now

Hey everyone, today our quick update will present what we’re working on right now in preparation for the next release.

The team is working hard on all development fronts. We finished adding all the colony events. When a colony event is generated, sometimes it triggers immediately after colonization, other times a few turns later. Next, we’ll be adding the galactic events.

We’re also working on the starmap revamp activities, fine tuning all the map objects and adding animations and other effects. The zoom and pan features are already in. The starmap is looking good and should help provide a good immersion feeling when it’s finished.

The system view is also different now, more realistic...

Development News, Releases

Pre-Alpha 10 Released!

Hey everyone!

We’re proud to announce that Interstellar Space: Genesis Pre-Alpha 10 is released! Here’s the trailer.

To get the update you can re-download from the same link you got from Humble Bundle when you pre-ordered. Your link is always the same and always gives the latest version. If you’re having trouble finding the link you can use the order resender and Humble Bundle will send you a list of your download pages.

This a huge one, and as you can see from the features listed below this is almost like a completely new game. A lot was added, and we feel the game has hit a level where one can start to have a lot of fun and a good level of engagement. At least that’s how we felt while playing and testing this new version. Hopefully, you will feel the same. Please let us know what y...

Dev Diary, Development News

ISG Dev Diary #7: Progress Update on Pre-Alpha 10

Hello everyone,

we’ve been hard at work at bringing new features and improving the game in significant ways. Pre-Alpha 10 is in progress, and with it a lot of new shiny things will be brought to the table, which I’m sure you’ll find will be worth the wait!

The ground combat and bombardment mechanics presented in the last dev diary will be in. Star bases will also be added, which can be upgraded both in the economic and military sense. Also, a variety of planetary defenses along with the star bases will enhance the defensive side of the game further. What this means is that new strategies will be required to assault and invade colonies in Pre-Alpha 10, which will provide more meaningful choices and require you to plan things out a little bit more.

Along with ground combat, bombardment, pl...

Dev Diary, Development News

ISG Dev Diary #6: Ground Combat and Bombardment

Hey everyone,

it’s a been a while since we post a dev diary. The last one was on May of this year, for Leaders.

Since then, pre-orders have opened with Pre-Alpha 7, we did lots of gameplay and balance adjustments for Pre-Alpha 8 with the feedback we obtained from the community, and a major UI revamp was made for Pre-Alpha 9.

Now, we’re currently very busy adding all the remaining systems in our road to Alpha. These major systems include: Ground combat, bombardment, starbases, ship refit, espionage, race customization, more techs, more wonders, more weapons and system specials (ship modules), a new race, an in-game tutorial and events. After all of this is in the game we’ll hit Alpha and we should be entering Steam Early Access soon after.

Today we’ll be discussing two of these systems t...

Development News, Media

ISG Pre-Alpha Preview at eXplorminate

Oliver “Mezmorki” Kiley from eXplorminate has just published a great preview of Interstellar Space: Genesis. Go check it out! :)

I think this says it all:

I take this opportunity to publicly thank all of our staff and VIPs for their dedication and support to this project so far, for which the game wouldn’t be nearly as good and polished as it is today, especially for a Pre-Alpha.

And, a special thank you to all the people who have already pre-ordered the game. We’re a small indie studio, so your support is very much appreciated and critical for the game’s success...

Development News

Pre-Alpha 9 Released!

Hello everyone,

we’re proud to announce that we’ve just released a new public version for Interstellar Space: Genesis, Pre-Alpha 9.

This release was a big leap forward, we think, in terms of providing better usability and appeal. The entire UI was revamped to what will be close to the final UI style we envisage for the game. The game should also look much better in higher resolutions now, since the UI now scales with the screen size.

Along with the major UI overhaul, we also added a new ship selection mode, and several other quality of life improvements like the possibility to execute pending actions through the Turn Button directly or the new togglable layer to show all the star system’s scanning levels quickly. We also made several balance changes, added music tracks and fixed many bugs.

Development News, Media

Space Game Junkie Podcast about ISG

Hi there!

ISG was invited by the Space Game Junkie team to participate on the next podcast and talk a bit about the game. The dev team will be present and we’ll discuss topics about the past, present and future of the project.

The show will start Tuesday, September 12th at 6 AM PDT/3PM CEST. You’re all invited to tune in on YouTube or Twitch.

UPDATE: You can get the MP3 version of the podcast here!

Thank you!

Development News

Pre-Alpha 8 Released!

Hello everyone,

Pre-Alpha 8 has arrived!

This new version introduced several substantial changes to the game that hopefully will make the experience better for everyone, namely a new “Balanced Start” mode (active by default), a new difficulty level, 6 new leaders, a new game option to increase the tooltips text and a new “left-click to select right-click to assign” mode! There’s also new ruins text, many balance changes, UI tweaks and a bunch of bug fixes.

Please enjoy the new release and let us know what you think! If you haven’t pre-ordered yet, you can do so here.

Note: The save games from the previous version (Pre-Alpha 7b) should work on this new version but we strongly suggest that you start new games to play this new build properly, and to benefit from the new features and fixes fu...