ISG Dev Diary #22: Update 1.6 Beta on unstable Steam branch
Hello everyone!
We’re thrilled to announce that the new and free! 1.6 major update is now available and ready for public testing on Steam’s unstable Beta branch!
Let’s explore some of the major changes of 1.6 Beta, and later on you can check out the details of the update and on how you can try it for your self and offer your feedback to the Devs!
New Victory Conditions
This was a highly popular feature request by the community, and something we really wanted to offer at some point, and it finally makes it in for 1.6!
In addition to the existing Election and Alliance victory conditions, and the traditional winner conquers all way to win (now called Conquest Victory), you now have the following new ways to win: Wonder, Domination, Science, and Score victory conditions! Here’s a brief break...