Hot posts in thread: Autosave Bug?

  1. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    Yes, that all sounds really good. Thank you!
  2. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    We added the turn number to the autosave and changed the way the autosaves work. Now, we keep different autosaves for the current turn and for the last 4 turns. So, at turn 25 you'll have an autosave for turn 25 another for turn 24, ... 21. Hope this is more useful and makes it more clear. Oh, and you can now sort saves by date and by name.
  3. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    Thank you, this will help to understand it.
    But I do not understand wh you do it that way.
    Sure you are right, self made saves are not to underestimate, but in the beginning of a game, could be avoided.
  4. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    We could add the turn number to the autosave, that should help you understand which turn it is from when the dates show the same.

    The 2nd autosave (saves every 3 turns), and the 3rd (every 5) are the same every 15 turns (all 3 autosaves are the same every 15 turns). So, if you happen to want to go back 5 turns before, say at turn 15 (30, 45, etc), you cannot, because all saves at turn multiples of 15 will have the same save. The remedy is to a save from time to time :)

    In any case, the added turn number to the Autosaves should be a big help. We'll add it for the next release.
  5. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    Now it happpened to me again, that I do not understand when my last turns were saved.
    Its not that usual to have this tecnique at an autosave.
    It would help when I could read what turn it was when it was saved.

    ANyway, wouldn't it be really better if we could decide how many autosaves we can go back and that every save holds a different savegame? I mean, every 5th and 3rd turn those saves are overwritten and therefore if i want to go back five turns, that is not possible, maybe my fifth turn autosave (the 3rd) has been overwritten in the last turn. so I will never get to the position i was in 5 turns ago..
    Even if I only have 3 Autosaves and I say every 5 turns I want a autosave, i can always go back up to 15 turns.
    And this in the way: 1st save is overwritten, than the second, than the third, then again the first. And i can always see what is the latest, the oldest and the one between.

    In the actual way, many times two saves are the same. and then there is maybe, if i am lucky, one, that is 5 turns ago at the most. maybe just 4, 3 or 2 or 1.
    Now I do not want to go many turns back and do everything again, and i do not want to go two turns back when, for instance, i decided to get two outpost ships for free, but two turns after my two colony ships were scrapped because of lack of money, being one turn away from making the outpost at an asteroid belt.
  6. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Autosaves 1, 2 and 3 are saved every turn, 3 turns and 5 turns, respectively. So, from time to time (e.g. turn 6), Autosave 1 and 2 will have the same save. As another example, at turn 15 all autosaves will hold the same information, so they're actually the same save.
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  7. rxnnxs

    rxnnxs Ensign

    Oct 15, 2016
    There are three Autosave saves.
    There are two Autosaves that have the same date. Same millisecond. Maybe there is something wrong.
    I think it happens when Autosave 2 or 3 is written.
    Autosave 1 is always written.