Hotkey question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by medway, Jul 27, 2019.

  1. medway

    medway Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2018
    Is there a hotkey to advance turns in the battle mode? Also is there one to automatically select the current task in the turn area without having to manually click it? For instance if the turn button shows Desire, is there a key that will bring up the desire?

    I think in Gal Civ the end turn button will do this, any tasks needed to be completed before ending a turn will trigger when the end key is pressed until finally you can end the turn.

    On a side note would it be possible to get the sound for missles reduced to a single volley as an option? If I stack up 5 missles on a few ships it ends up taking some time each turn to fire them all.
  2. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    I'm not sure there is one, but I do not see why we shouldn't have one.

    I think if you press Enter it will try to process the turn and display you the current action that needs to be done, but I'm not sure, I had to look that up.

    \Edit: Enter doesn't bring up the next action, but I don't see why it shouldn't, I took note of this.

    Yes, the missiles sound is perhaps a bit too loud at the moment. As for launching only one volley for all missile slots that one may be a bit more tricky, but I took note of it and we'll see what we can do.
  3. medway

    medway Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2018
    Thanks, in the late game it would help to not have to keep moving the mouse down there to attend to things before moving. I was trying to mop up the AI by hunting it around and would have helped if I could have cycled to those tasks quicker.

    The sound is fine, I just mean instead of hearing 5 missiles just make it one sound o I can get to the next ship quicker.

    As we get better at the game there's going to be some aspects that we'll want to skip through faster to keep it moving.
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