Identifying planets with ship building facilitys/bonuses

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ironsides, Nov 25, 2022.

  1. Ironsides

    Ironsides Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
    I hope the title is clear, this is the one thing I find lacking and difficult to deal with at a cursory glance and as a result would like to see some method to identify planets with ship building infrastructure/bonuses, this could be as simple as a blue number from 0-6 in the planet overview panel or system view, preferably both...
    Why you might ask, well I build systems and single planet systems are avoided unless theres no other option, and normally civil engineering comes first so few planets will have substantial ship infrastructure facilitys and these become a chore to identify as the game progress's...

    As an example, my current game has some 76 colonys in 18 systems, of which only one world in a system may have Ship related infrastructure.

    Edit: Edited for clarity...
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2022
  2. Ironsides

    Ironsides Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
    An alternative to the above and probarbly a better one in my view, would be to have a seperate overview connected to the ship or fleet overview:

    FF = fleet facilitys

    Fleet Facilitys 1.jpg


    Fleet Facilitys 2.jpg

    The list would only include Colonys with at least one level of ship related Infrastructure, show the planets in exactly the same way that the planet overview does, and only include planets owned by the player faction.
    The list of worlds would be top down showing higher to lower ship related infrastructor, so it would not be necesary to show any other indication.

    Fleet overview would be my choice for location of such a list.

    Would be interested on any thoughts on this...
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2022
  3. Adam Solo

    Adam Solo Developer Administrator Grand Admiral

    Sep 9, 2016
    Thanks for your suggestion. I've added it to the big list of items to be considered at some point. Since there's no guarantee this will make it in, a possible workaround you could consider would be to rename the colonies with ship building infrastructure. Something like a number prefix perhaps? For example, if the colony is named "Teof", you could rename the colony to "1 - Teof" if it has 1 level of ship building infrastructure. To sort by colonies with ship building infrastructure, you could then sort by name in the colony overview panel.
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  4. Ironsides

    Ironsides Ensign

    Aug 19, 2022
    Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best... lol
    • ThumbsUp ThumbsUp x 1

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